On the charges, denunciations, corruptions, in the Big field, MS
March 28, 2018
On the charges, denunciations, corruptions, in Campo Grande, MS, and in the country, via Brasilia: I am not tied to the political party. I'm not sympathetic to any partisan harbor. A feather. That's horrible. But it's still better than linking my convictions with people who only think of harming public property. I see on Facebook charges against mayor, president, deputies, senators. Others defend such people. It is democracy-the exercise of opinion. But it's brigandage, the exercise of corruption. Which way out: let our passions aside, and we will fight for a country worthy of the beauties existing here. There's no point in having a paradise filled with mice to soil our streets, our beach. I challenge professional politicians and policy-loving politicians: Do you politicians play politics as we do in the OAB? No pay? For a job back at the institution? To the country? No financial return and no sneaky schemes? Since that is how we hold the positions of the OAB: No remuneration, no cash pretenses. I speak of those lawyers who effectively deliver their time and their labor for lawyers, Brazil, Democracy (true!). So my friends and girlfriends know very few politicians, but you who have more access than me, make this challenge come, especially for the upcoming elections. Get the message out. Share!!!!. If you logically have an interest. Then we'll see who's who in professional politics, or we'll see who the real politicians are. It's a vent, but it's conscious and challenging.